Wednesday, June 28, 2006

think before you write??

Met a friend yesterday who mentioned another friend who blogs. The friend-2 he said, is about to finish a post he's been writing since the past X days.. And I wondered (yes, I can do that too) -- how many of us think* before we write?
People**, I have linked, write very often, and I have every reason to believe that they don't stretch their writing activity to multiple days.. hell, i dont even remember having written any post*** for close to an hour...
how do people write and think? I was just wondering....

* - think, refers to stretching the thought-process activity to absurd levels
** - most of the people atleast...
*** - we do not talk abt quality of posts

Comments on "think before you write??"


Blogger Perestroika said ... (1:20 PM) : 

10 days, researching for a post is amazing, the quality of his blog must be ral amazing.


Blogger Zaki M said ... (1:57 PM) : 

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Blogger Zaki M said ... (2:00 PM) : 

its x as in the variable x,not roman X ... but thats not the point though
and without naming him/his blog, I don't find the blog good enough


Blogger Aditya Pethe said ... (2:59 AM) : 

Blog posts to me should be one-strech. Thats what I do anyway. I guess I belong to the category who "thinks" and then writes and not vice versa.
And dude if the stars are anything to go by, you certainly seem to be thinking and writing or whatever the sequence. ;-)


Blogger Zaki M said ... (7:23 AM) : 

@pethe - yes, it is thinking and writing - almost always in this order ;) , but always in a single stretch


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