Saturday, January 07, 2006

Am I careless?

Tomorrow is my Bachelor's Convocation ceremony. A month ago, I paid fees for the degree certificate & with the intent of preserving the receipt kept it in my wallet. One fine day, God knows what got into my head & I like a maniac started tearing "useless" things in my wallet and throwing it out... It really did have a lot of 'kachra'. Probably I was tired of a fat wallet (defying the tricks of modeling that I learnt ages ago)
I even saw a receipt from the Univ, & without reading it I tore it to uncountable bits !!sob!! The next day, I get a letter from the Univ specifying the date of convocation as 8th Jan... I proceed to read the letter only to find that I am needed to produce this letter and the receipt of payment .. So what next?? SWEARING.. i am pretty used to abusing & for the next 3 days I hurled abuses at myself!

Now, I think about the ceremony that is to be held tomorrow & about me not being able to attend it and having to accept a 'probably' crumpled certificate which will be sent home 2 weeks later.Why?? Only because I am too responsible...
Articles in the pipeline -
The 'secret' behind keeping a wallet fat!
Why people swear?

Comments on "Am I careless?"


Blogger Perestroika said ... (6:55 PM) : 

hahaha, been there done that before!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:56 AM) : 

You get the certificate if you show them either receipt or letter or both. :)


Blogger Zaki M said ... (4:18 AM) : 

thanks for the info, I brought the certificate today.
No one had the courtesy to tell me on sunday that certificates are being given w/o receipts :((


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